Tagged with poor customer service

Being A Slacker At Work

Being A Slacker At Work

Have you ever “slacked off” with your job duties? You know, not really doing what is expected of you? If we were honest with ourselves, we probably would find that we have done things that fall into this category more often than we would admit. Here are a couple of examples that could fit in … Continue reading

Providing Average Customer Service

Providing Average Customer Service

We are all customers of some type of consumer business and as a customer we should try to be as understanding as possible when we encounter “not so good service.” We all know that there are times when poor customer service happens even when the employee or employer tries their best. Maybe they became short-handed … Continue reading

Simple = Successful

Simple = Successful

“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ~ Albert Einstein In this time that we live in things, most things, can be complicated to either understand or possibly do.  There are several reasons for this such as technology and the vast amount of information that is available to us … Continue reading

Connecting With People

Connecting With People

I really enjoy going into places of business and observe the behavior of the employees when they are interacting with customers. You really can learn a lot by watching and listening to people as they are conducting business.  For me, I am always looking for stories that possess a lesson for me to learn and … Continue reading